Workplace rehab always aims to return the injured worker to work. This is implemented in various ways.
Returning to work or recovering at work supports both the physical and mental well-being of injured workers. By returning to work, they can resume participation in activities that bring joy while reducing chances of long-term health complications.
The term 'return to work' (RTW) is used to refer to the stage of the work rehab program where an injured worker is transitioning back into work duties.
There are two aspects of this stage: the RTW program, which is required of employers, and the RTW plan, which is tailored to the injured worker.
Return to Work (RTW) Program
A RTW program is a structured initiative developed by employers to facilitate the reintegration of injured workers into the workplace.
It focuses on the process of transitioning an injured worker back to work during recovery, and coordinates efforts among all stakeholders to ensure a safe and timely return.
These programs aim to minimise disruption caused by work-related injuries and illnesses.
Return to Work (RTW) Plan
A RTW plan is a personalised document created for an injured worker by their workplace rehabilitation provider. It includes details about the worker's pre-injury duties, current medical condition, and any limitations.
The plan also outlines workplace modifications needed to accommodate the employee's capacity.
The RTW coordinator ensures the worker's participation in the employer's RTW program aligns with their individual RTW plan. This plan provides targeted support, addressing challenges and creating a safe, supportive environment for the injured worker's return.